forget that question its done.!

When earth passes through the moons shadow, we see

lunar eclipse,or, solar eclipse

It's the lunar eclipse.

When the Earth passes through the Moon's shadow, we see a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth to cast its shadow on the Moon. This can only happen during a full moon.

To understand why this happens, you need to have a basic understanding of the positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a lunar eclipse. The Moon orbits around the Earth, while the Earth orbits around the Sun. During a full moon, the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned in a straight line, with the Earth in the middle.

As the Moon moves through the Earth's shadow, it becomes progressively darker until it reaches a point of complete darkness, known as totality, during a total lunar eclipse. The Moon may also appear reddish or coppery during totality, due to the Earth's atmosphere bending and filtering the sunlight that reaches the Moon.

On the other hand, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun's light and casting a shadow on the Earth. During a solar eclipse, the Moon may appear to partially or completely block the Sun's disk from our view.