Could you please check any grammar errors thanks. (My answers are based on my thoughts)

1a. Ta soeur, elle est plus petite ou plus grande que toi?
1b.Tu es plus grand(e) ou plus petit(e) qu'elle?

Answer 1a: Ma soeur est plus grande que moi.
Answer 1b: Je suis plus petitle qu'elle

2a. Tu es plus patient(e) ou moins patient(e) que ton frère?
2b. Il est plus patinet ou moins patient que toi?

Answer 2a: Je suis moins patiente que mon frère.
Answer 2b: Il est plus patient que moi.

3a. Tes grands- parents sont aussi stricts que tes parents?
3b. Ils sont vraiment moins stricts qu'eux?

Answer 3a: Oui, mes grands- parents sont aussi stricts que mes parents.
Answer 3b: Oui, ils sont vraiment moins stricts qu'eux.

4a. Tes copains sont plus sociables que toi?
4b. Tu es plus timide qu'eux?

Answer 4a: Mes copains sont moins sociables que moi.

Answer 4b: Je suis moins timide qu'eux.

OK. When you have difficulty with this kind of exercise, here are the steps to follow:

a. look at the French and figure out what it means in English.
b. answer FIRST in English.
c3. now try the French.

Let's do #1.
a. YOUR sister, is she smaller or bigger than YOU?

WAIT! You did not supply the directions you were given and/or a model. Therefore I don't know if you are answering a with b or REWRITING.

Please try the rest, if the example I did for you is correct and repost.

Sra (aka Mme)
b. MY sister is smaller than I.
c. Ma soeur est plus petite que moi.

1a. In sentence 1a, "Ta soeur, elle est plus petite ou plus grande que toi?" is asking whether your sister is shorter or taller than you. The correct answer is "Ma soeur est plus grande que moi." which means "My sister is taller than me." To compare height, we use the comparative forms of "grand" (tall) and "petit" (short), and in this case "plus" (more) is used to indicate being taller.

1b. In sentence 1b, "Tu es plus grand(e) ou plus petit(e) qu'elle?" is asking whether you are taller or shorter than her. The correct answer is "Je suis plus petit(e) qu'elle" which means "I am shorter than her." Here, you are comparing your height to hers, and "plus" is used to indicate shorter.

2a. In sentence 2a, "Tu es plus patient(e) ou moins patient(e) que ton frère?" is asking whether you are more patient or less patient than your brother. The correct answer is "Je suis moins patient(e) que mon frère" which means "I am less patient than my brother." Here, you are comparing your patience level to your brother's, and "moins" (less) is used to indicate less patient.

2b. In sentence 2b, "Il est plus patient ou moins patient que toi?" is asking whether he is more patient or less patient than you. The correct answer is "Il est plus patient que moi" which means "He is more patient than me." Here, you are comparing his patience level to yours, and "plus" is used to indicate more patient.

3a. In sentence 3a, "Tes grands-parents sont aussi stricts que tes parents?" is asking whether your grandparents are as strict as your parents. The correct answer is "Oui, mes grands-parents sont aussi stricts que mes parents" which means "Yes, my grandparents are as strict as my parents." Here, you are comparing the strictness level of your grandparents to your parents', and "aussi" (as) is used to indicate equal strictness.

3b. In sentence 3b, "Ils sont vraiment moins stricts qu'eux?" is asking whether they are really less strict than them. The correct answer is "Oui, ils sont vraiment moins stricts qu'eux" which means "Yes, they are really less strict than them." Here, you are comparing the strictness level of "ils" (they) to "eux" (them), and "moins" is used to indicate less strict.

4a. In sentence 4a, "Tes copains sont plus sociables que toi?" is asking whether your friends are more sociable than you. The correct answer is "Mes copains sont moins sociables que moi" which means "My friends are less sociable than me." Here, you are comparing the sociability level of your friends to yours, and "moins" is used to indicate less sociable.

4b. In sentence 4b, "Tu es plus timide qu'eux?" is asking whether you are more shy than them. The correct answer is "Je suis moins timide qu'eux" which means "I am less shy than them." Here, you are comparing your shyness level to theirs, and "moins" is used to indicate less shy.