Solve 4sin^2 x + 4sqrt(2) cos x-6 = 0 for all real values of x.

My answer: (pi/4)+2(pi)k, (7pi/4) + 2(pi)k

Solve 2cos^2 x-5cosx+2=0 for principal values of x.

My answer: 60 and 300 degrees.

To solve the equation 4sin^2 x + 4sqrt(2) cos x - 6 = 0, we can start by factoring.

First, let's factor out the common factor of 2 from the first two terms:
2(2sin^2 x + sqrt(2) cos x) - 6 = 0

Next, we can rewrite the equation using the identity sin^2 x + cos^2 x = 1:
2(2sin^2 x + 2cos^2 x - cos^2 x + sqrt(2) cos x) - 6 = 0

Simplifying further, we have:
2(4cos^2 x - sqrt(2) cos x + 1) - 6 = 0

Now, let's divide the entire equation by 2:
4cos^2 x - sqrt(2) cos x + 1 - 3 = 0

Rearranging the terms, we get:
4cos^2 x - sqrt(2) cos x - 2 = 0

Now, we can solve for cos x using the quadratic formula:
cos x = [sqrt(2) ± √(sqrt(2)^2 - 4(4)(-2))] / (2(4))
cos x = [sqrt(2) ± √(2 + 32)] / 8
cos x = [sqrt(2) ± √(34)] / 8

To find the values of x, we need to find the inverse cosine of each value of cos x. Let's solve for the first case:
cos x = [sqrt(2) + √(34)] / 8
x = cos^(-1)[(sqrt(2) + √(34)) / 8]
x = cos^(-1)(sqrt(2) + √(34)) / 8

Next, let's solve for the second case:
cos x = [sqrt(2) - √(34)] / 8
x = cos^(-1)[(sqrt(2) - √(34)) / 8]
x = cos^(-1)(sqrt(2) - √(34)) / 8

Therefore, the solutions for the equation 4sin^2 x + 4sqrt(2) cos x - 6 = 0 are:
x = cos^(-1)(sqrt(2) + √(34)) / 8 + 2πk
x = cos^(-1)(sqrt(2) - √(34)) / 8 + 2πk

where k is an integer.

Now, let's solve the equation 2cos^2 x - 5cos x + 2 = 0 for principal values of x.

To start, we can solve this quadratic equation by factoring:
(2cos x - 1)(cos x - 2) = 0

Setting each factor equal to zero, we have two cases:
2cos x - 1 = 0 or cos x - 2 = 0

For the first case, solving for cos x:
2cos x = 1
cos x = 1/2
x = cos^(-1)(1/2)
x = π/3

For the second case, solving for cos x:
cos x = 2
No real solutions exist for this case, as the range of cosine values is -1 to 1.

Therefore, the solution for the equation 2cos^2 x - 5cos x + 2 = 0 for principal values of x is:
x = π/3 (or 60 degrees)

To solve the equation 4sin^2(x) + 4√2cos(x) - 6 = 0 for all real values of x, we can use the quadratic formula. Let's start by rearranging the equation:

4sin^2(x) + 4√2cos(x) - 6 = 0

We can rewrite this equation in terms of the trigonometric identity sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1 by substituting 1 - cos^2(x) for sin^2(x):

4(1 - cos^2(x)) + 4√2cos(x) - 6 = 0

Expanding and rearranging, we get:

4cos^2(x) + 4√2cos(x) - 2 = 0

Now, let's solve this quadratic equation for cos(x). We can use the quadratic formula:

cos(x) = [-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)] / (2a)

In this case, a = 4, b = 4√2, and c = -2. Plugging in these values, we have:

cos(x) = [-(4√2) ± sqrt((4√2)^2 - 4(4)(-2))] / (2(4))

Simplifying further:

cos(x) = [-4√2 ± sqrt(32 + 32)] / 8

cos(x) = [-4√2 ± sqrt(64)] / 8

cos(x) = [-4√2 ± 8] / 8

Now, we can simplify these expressions:

cos(x) = (-√2 ± 2) / 2

To find the values of x, we need to find the values of cos(x) that satisfy these expressions. Let's consider each case separately.

Case 1: cos(x) = (-√2 + 2) / 2

To find the values of x for this case, we need to find the inverse cosine of (-√2 + 2) / 2. Using a calculator, we find:

x = arccos((-√2 + 2) / 2)

This gives us one solution for x.

Case 2: cos(x) = (-√2 - 2) / 2

Again, we need to find the inverse cosine to find the values of x. Using a calculator:

x = arccos((-√2 - 2) / 2)

This gives us another solution for x.

In both cases, x can be written as:

x = arccos((-√2 + 2) / 2) + 2πk

x = arccos((-√2 - 2) / 2) + 2πk

where k is an integer. Therefore, the solutions for all real values of x are:

x = arccos((-√2 + 2) / 2) + 2πk

x = arccos((-√2 - 2) / 2) + 2πk

where k is an integer.

Now let's solve the equation 2cos^2(x) - 5cos(x) + 2 = 0 for the principal values of x.

We can factor this quadratic equation to make it easier to solve:

(2cos(x) - 1)(cos(x) - 2) = 0

Now we set each factor equal to zero and solve for cos(x):

1) 2cos(x) - 1 = 0

Adding 1 to both sides, we get:

2cos(x) = 1

Dividing both sides by 2, we obtain:

cos(x) = 1/2

Taking the inverse cosine of 1/2, we find:

x = arccos(1/2)

2) cos(x) - 2 = 0

Adding 2 to both sides:

cos(x) = 2

However, the cosine function only takes values between -1 and 1, so there are no real solutions for this equation.

Therefore, the only real solution for the equation 2cos^2(x) - 5cos(x) + 2 = 0 is:

x = arccos(1/2)

Now, let's find the principal values of x. The inverse cosine function has a range of [0, π], so the principal values of x will be within this range.

Using a calculator, we find:

x ≈ 60° and x ≈ 300°

Therefore, the principal values of x for the equation 2cos^2(x) - 5cos(x) + 2 = 0 are:

x = 60° and x = 300°.