Give an example of a population (other than people)that could be found in a backyard(Be specific).

Check your own backyard. Look for insects, moles, birds, grubs, grasses, and wildflowers (like dandelions).

In my backyard, I could find a population of squirrels. To check for squirrels in your own backyard, you can start by looking for signs of their presence. Look for squirrel nests called dreys, which are constructed with twigs and leaves in the branches of trees. You can also look for chewed acorn shells, as squirrels often gather and store acorns for food. Another clue might be the sound of squirrels chattering and scurrying around in trees or on the ground. If you actively observe your backyard for some time, there's a good chance you'll spot squirrels climbing trees, running along fences, or foraging for food. Keep in mind that squirrels are agile and quick, so you may need to be patient and observant to spot them.