I have find words for bi, tri and prem/prim. I understand bi(bicycle, biceps) & tri(tricycle, triangle) etc. Could you explain prem/prim? Thanks.


You are looking for as many words with these prefixes as possible, right?

Try this --

Go to http://www.onelook.com

Type in bi* and then click on Search. See the list that comes up.

You can do this with any prefix -- just type the prefix followed by an asterisk (*) and you'll get a huge list of possibilities! Then you can click on each one to get definitions, etc.

Sure! When it comes to the prefixes "prem" and "prim," they have slightly different meanings and origins.

1. "Prem" is a prefix derived from the Latin word "prae" meaning "before" or "in front of." It is often used to indicate that something is happening or occurring before a certain time or event. Here are a few examples:
- Premier: Refers to the first or primary person or thing in a group or a particular field.
- Premature: Describes something that occurs, develops, or is born before the expected or usual time.

2. "Prim" is derived from the Latin word "primus" meaning "first." It is often used to indicate something that is first, primary, or leading. Some examples include:
- Primary: Generally refers to something that is first in importance, rank, or order.
- Primitive: Describes something that is simple, original, or existing from the beginning of time.
- Primate: Refers to the highest order of mammals, including humans, apes, monkeys, etc. as they are considered to be the most advanced.

Both "prem" and "prim" are prefixes that set the tone for words by conveying notions of before, first, or primary.


The prefixes "prem-" and "prim-" are derived from Latin and have slightly different meanings.

1. "Prem-" is a prefix meaning "before" or "earlier." It is derived from the Latin word "praemium," which means "reward" or "something received before."
- Premier: Refers to the first or most important position or rank in a particular field or organization.
- Premonition: A feeling or sense of something that is about to happen, often with a negative or foreboding connotation.
- Prepaid: Payment made in advance for goods or services.

2. "Prim-" is a prefix meaning "first" or "chief." It is derived from the Latin word "primus," which means "first in time, order, or importance."
- Prime: Refers to the first, initial, or most important stage or position.
- Primary: Main, first in order or importance.
- Primate: A group of mammals, including humans, apes, and monkeys, considered to be the most developed or advanced.

By understanding the meanings and origins of these prefixes, you can easily recognize and comprehend words that contain "prem-" or "prim-."