is this correct?

"¿Qué haces después de las clases?" " _____ de mis vecinos."
a. me despierto
b. reparto
c. dependes
d. cuido a los niños



To find the correct answer, let's look at the question and the options provided. The question in English is, "What do you do after classes?" Now, let's analyze each option:

a. "Me despierto" means "I wake up." This option does not seem appropriate as it does not directly relate to what you do after classes.

b. "Reparto" means "I distribute." Again, this option does not make sense in the context of doing something after classes.

c. "Dependes" means "You depend." While it is a valid word, it doesn't fit grammatically because the question is in the first person, not the second person.

d. "Cuido a los niños" means "I take care of the children." This option seems to be the most suitable in the context of doing something after classes.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. "Cuido a los niños."