Write the equation of the line passing through (-3, -5)and (3,0).

(a)y= -6/5x - 5/2
(b)y= 5/6x - 5/2
(c)y= 5/6 x + 2/5
(d)y= -6/5x + 2/5

You have to get the slope of the line using equation y2-y1/x2-x1.

[0-(-5)]/[3-(-3)] = 5/6

Now that you have the slope, you have to solve for the y-intercept. Use the x and y value from one of your coordinates to solve for b.

y = mx+b
0 = (5/6)(3) + b
0 = 5/2 + b
-5/2 = b

So your equation is y=5/6x - 5/2.

The correct equation of the line passing through (-3, -5)and (3,0) is (b) y = 5/6x - 5/2.

The equation of the line passing through (-3, -5) and (3, 0) is (b) y = 5/6x - 5/2.