1. Explain how the small intestine is specialized for digestion and absorption.

The small intestine is specialized for absorption by the huge number of villi that line the intestinal wall. Villi have cells that produce intestinal enzymes which complete the digestion of peptides and sugars.

Can someone please help me edit this! thanks

The small intestine is specialized for both digestion and absorption due to several factors. One of the key features is the presence of numerous finger-like projections called villi along the intestinal wall. These villi greatly increase the surface area available for absorption.

Let's break it down:

1. Introduction: The small intestine is specialized for digestion and absorption.
2. Main point 1: The presence of villi along the intestinal wall greatly increases the surface area available for absorption.
3. Supporting detail: Villi are finger-like projections.
4. Supporting detail: Villi line the intestinal wall.
5. Main point 2: Villi have cells that produce intestinal enzymes.
6. Supporting detail: These enzymes complete the digestion of peptides and sugars.

By incorporating these edits, the explanation is more clear and concise.