I need to know how to create an ad that is on traditional and moral and political between two political parties, the only problem I have is not the ad itself but the topics. I don't understand what traditional is when it comes to a political party, I have studied my two chapter(11 and 12) about Aristotle and Plato, and other philosophers. I have yet to understand who stand for what and who is aginst what. Could anyone help me set up this ad as to the two political parties.

Are these supposed to be modern American political parties -- or Greek parties as Aristotle and Plato knew?

yes, Greek such as Aristotle and Plato

A traditional party usually upholds old customs and philosophies. Its opposition embraces new ideas.

Today -- the Republican party generally is considered a traditional party -- favoring family values and conservative financial practices. The Democrats in general favor new ideas and spending to achieve their goals to help the people.

To create an ad that reflects traditional and moral/political differences between two political parties, it is important to have a clear understanding of what traditional means in the context of politics. In political discourse, "traditional" generally refers to the preservation of longstanding values, customs, and institutions. However, the specific interpretation of tradition can vary between different political parties and ideologies.

To understand the positions and beliefs of the two political parties, it would be helpful to conduct further research beyond the chapters on Aristotle and Plato. Here are a few steps you can take to gain a better understanding:

1. Research the two political parties in question: Identify which parties you are comparing and gather information about their histories, ideologies, and policy positions. Political party websites, official publications, and reputable news sources can be valuable sources of information.

2. Analyze party platforms: Examine the official platforms or manifestos of each party to understand their stated goals, priorities, and positions on key issues. These documents outline the parties' policy stances and provide insights into their moral and political foundations.

3. Consult diverse perspectives: In addition to studying the parties' official positions, it is important to explore various analyses, commentaries, and critiques of these parties. This will give you a broader understanding of how different individuals and groups interpret their values and philosophies.

4. Consider historical context: Understanding the historical development and evolution of the parties can provide valuable insights into their traditional or progressive leanings. Consider examining significant events, past actions, and influential figures within the parties to gain a deeper understanding of their core values.

5. Identify key issues: Once you have a good grasp of each party's ideology and position, identify specific topics where their traditional and moral/political differences are most pronounced. These might include issues related to social policies, economic systems, international relations, or cultural values.

With a solid understanding of the parties' positions and the key issues that showcase their traditional and moral/political differences, you can then proceed to create an ad that effectively highlights these distinctions. Be sure to provide clear, accurate, and balanced information while conveying the nuances and complexities inherent in political discourse.