James aime utiliser son brillant noir ordinateur

What I'm trying to say here is James likes to use his shiny black computer.

You said "Sa couleur" does that mean that couleur is feminine?


Yes, "couleur" is feminine.

In your previous post you wrote:

"catorze ans" it should have been spelled "quatorze ans".

reluisant then is better for "brillant" because it can't be confused.

Thanks E.G. for catching "quatorze" because I remember it looked funny but I didn't focus on it!

Sra (aka Mme)

Yes, in French the word "couleur" is feminine. When referring to the color of an object, we use the feminine form "sa couleur" (meaning "its color" in English) because "couleur" is a feminine noun.

To determine the gender of a noun in French, there are no fixed rules, but there are some patterns. In general, if a word ends in -e, it tends to be feminine, and if it ends in a consonant, it tends to be masculine. However, there are exceptions to these patterns, so it's important to consult a dictionary to confirm the gender of a specific noun.