What is the adverb and the prepositional phrase of this sentence?

I looked up and saw a small airplane.

The adverb is UP. This sentence does not have a prepositional phrase.

There is no prepositional phrase. The adverb will tell - when, where, how - the verb is acting. Which word does that?

In the sentence "I looked up and saw a small airplane," the adverb is "up" and the prepositional phrase is "up and saw a small airplane."

To identify the adverb in a sentence, look for a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. In this case, "up" describes how the action of looking was performed.

To identify the prepositional phrase, look for a combination of a preposition (a word that shows a relationship between other words) and a noun or pronoun object. In this case, the prepositional phrase is "up and saw a small airplane," where "up" is the preposition and "and saw a small airplane" is the object of the preposition.