a diagram of the net of each of the following solid cube, cuboid, cylinder,cone, prism, pyramid and sphere.

See response to your second post.

To obtain a diagram of the net of each of the given 3-dimensional shapes, you will need to visualize the shapes and then unfold them along their edges to create a flat representation of their individual faces.

1. Cube:
- A cube has six square faces. Start by drawing the six squares connected by their edges to form a hollow cube.

2. Cuboid:
- A cuboid has six rectangular faces. Begin by drawing a rectangle for the base, then draw two more rectangles above and below it for the front and back faces. Finally, add two more rectangles on the sides.

3. Cylinder:
- A cylinder has two circular faces and one curved rectangle that connects them. Begin by drawing two circles of the same size. Then, draw a rectangle that is wider than the diameter of the circles but longer than their circumference, connecting them along their curved edges.

4. Cone:
- A cone has one circular face and a curved surface that tapers to a point. Start by drawing a circle, then draw a curved line connecting the circle's perimeter to a point outside of the circle, creating a cone shape.

5. Prism:
- A prism has two identical polygonal faces and the same number of rectangular faces connecting them. Decide on the shape of the base (e.g., triangle, square, hexagon) and draw it twice, then connect the corresponding edges of the base shapes with rectangles.

6. Pyramid:
- A pyramid has one polygonal face as its base and triangular faces that meet at a single point. Choose the shape of the base (e.g., triangle, square, pentagon) and draw it. Then, draw triangles connecting each vertex of the base to a point directly above its center, creating a pyramid shape.

7. Sphere:
- A sphere is a perfectly symmetrical, round shape with no flat surfaces or edges. Drawing an accurate net for a sphere is quite challenging due to its curved nature. However, you can approximate it by drawing a circle and indicating that it wraps around a three-dimensional shape.

These explanations should give you a general idea of how to construct the nets for each of the given solid shapes. To obtain a more accurate representation, it is recommended to refer to visual resources or use specific software designed for creating 3-dimensional models.