1. 2+3=5

Two plus three is five.
Two plus three makes five.

2. 2X3=6
Two multiplied by three is six.
Two muptiplied by three makes six.

3. 4¡À2= 2
Two divided by two is two.
Two divided by two makes two.

(Are the English expressions correct? Do you have some more common English expressions?)

I understand the English all right but

Two divided by two is one, not two.

Yes, the English expressions you provided are correct. Here are some more common English expressions for basic mathematical operations:

- Five plus four equals nine.
- Four added to six makes ten.
- The sum of two and three is five.

- Ten minus three equals seven.
- Five subtracted from eight gives three.
- The difference between seven and four is three.

- Six times two is twelve.
- Eight multiplied by three gives twenty-four.
- The product of four and five is twenty.

- Twelve divided by three is four.
- Twenty-four divided by six equals four.
- The quotient of twenty and five is four.

- Two to the power of three is eight.
- Three raised to the power of two is nine.
- The result of two cubed is eight.

These expressions can be used to accurately describe the result of various mathematical operations.