Can anyone give me a link to a free online algebra test for 9th graders. I have a test on Monday based on algebra to see if I can move on to Geometery and I need a test to see if I'm ready. Thanks

I didn't find any such test online.

However, you should review your algebra text to be sure you understand all of its concepts.

Thanks for the advice Mrs. Sue that's exactly what I'll do. I also make up problems by myself and have someone check them for me.

Good idea!

Sure! Here's how you can find a free online algebra test for 9th graders:

1. Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Firefox).

2. In the search bar, type "Free online algebra test for 9th graders." Press Enter or click on the search button.

3. You will see a list of search results with websites and resources that offer free algebra tests. Some popular websites for educational resources could be Khan Academy,,, or

4. Click on the link that corresponds to the website you want to explore.

5. Once you're on the website, look for the section or category related to 9th grade algebra tests, practice quizzes, or exams.

6. Browse through the available options and select the test that suits your needs. Make sure it covers the topics and concepts you have learned in your class.

7. Click on the link to access the test and start working on it. Most online tests will be interactive, allowing you to submit your answers and receive instant feedback.

Remember to use your test as a way to assess your understanding of the material before your actual exam. If you find any topics that you struggle with, make note of them so you can review and practice more before your real test.

Good luck with your exam!