please check these questions:

En la clase de español, los estudiantes van a escribir una _____."
a. capítulo
b. ejercicio
c. composición
d. informe


"¿Tomaste la prueba y el examen?" "Sí, _____ tomé."
a. lo
b. la
c. los
d. las

(i need help on this one)
"¿Dónde ponemos el mapa nuevo?" "Vamos a ponerlo en esa _____."
a. pared
b. escenario
c. auditorio
d. respuesta


"¿Juega Linda tenis y básquetbol?" "No. Ella no es _____ tú."
a. tan viejo como
b. tan artística como
c. tan simpático como
d. tan deportista como


"¿Vas a traer los refrescos?" "Sí. Voy a _____."
a. traerlo
b. traerlos
c. traerlas
d. traerla

(i need help on this one)

thank you soo much :)

Got you again! Even if you don't understand what #1 means, look for the gender cue = una. That is feminine and singular. Again, the multiple choice answers are 3 masculine and 1 feminine. Can you guess now?

It's always easier to know we are referring to the same set if they are numbered. When you wrote "I need help on this one" I was sure if you meant #2 or #3.

2. la prueba y el examen = one feminine word and one masculine word. You need a direct object pronoun that is plural and masculine. Can you find it?

3. Yes! You got one. You did not need help there.

4. You got this one as well!

5. This is another one requiring a direct object pronoun. Here are the 3rd person direct objects: lo, la, los, las The noun you need to replace is "los refrescos" which is masculine plural. Can you select the correct one now?

Please feel free to repost any questions you may have, or the answers where I didn't supply them, to be sure!

¡Buena suerte!


For the question "¿Tomaste la prueba y el examen?" "Sí, _____ tomé," the correct answer is "la."

To determine the correct answer, you need to identify the gender and number of the noun being replaced. In this sentence, you are referring to a specific test and exam, which are both singular and feminine nouns in Spanish. Therefore, you should use the feminine singular pronoun "la" to replace them.

For the question "¿Vas a traer los refrescos?" "Sí. Voy a _____," the correct answer could be either "traerlos" or "traerlas," depending on the context.

To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the gender and number of the object being brought. If the object is masculine and plural, you should use "traerlos." If the object is feminine and plural, you should use "traerlas." Without more context, it is impossible to determine whether the refrescos (drinks) are masculine or feminine. Therefore, both "traerlos" and "traerlas" could be correct, and you would need additional information to be certain.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.