How does the author of A Nation Apart organize information to build his argument? Does he include and counterarguments? Why or why not? What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations does the author include? In what ways do these visuals strengthen the author's arguments?

To determine how the author of "A Nation Apart" organizes information to build their argument, as well as whether they include counterarguments, and what types of statistics, graphs, or illustrations they use, it would be best to consult the text directly. To find this information, follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the text "A Nation Apart" online. Look for reliable sources such as scholarly databases or websites of reputable publishers to access the full text or excerpts.

2. Once you have located the text, read or skim through it to gain an understanding of its organization and structure. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, and transitions between ideas. Note any patterns or recurring elements that contribute to the argument's development.

3. In terms of counterarguments, look for sections where the author presents alternative viewpoints or acknowledges opposing opinions. These may be explicitly stated, or the author might address counterarguments indirectly by refuting opposing claims.

4. Regarding statistics, graphs, or illustrations, examine the text for any visual representations of data. These could include numerical figures, charts, graphs, photographs, or diagrams. Take note of the types of visuals used and their locations within the text.

5. Finally, analyze how these visuals contribute to the author's arguments. Consider whether they provide supporting evidence, clarify complex ideas, or appeal to the readers' emotions. Look for explanations or captions accompanying the visuals to understand their intended purpose.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather sufficient information to answer questions about the author's organization, inclusion of counterarguments, and use of statistics, graphs, or illustrations in "A Nation Apart." Remember that the specific approach may vary depending on the text and the author's writing style.