a metal spoon becomes hot after being left in a pan of boiling water. this is an ex. of? A)convection


If you don't know the definitions of each, look them up and you will know which is the correct answer.

B) conduction

This is an example of conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat between two objects or substances that are in direct contact with each other.

To understand why the metal spoon becomes hot when left in a pan of boiling water, we need to understand that heat travels from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature. In this case, the pan of boiling water is at a higher temperature than the metal spoon.

When the spoon is placed in the pan, the heat from the boiling water is transferred to the metal spoon through direct contact. The metal spoon absorbs the heat energy from the water molecules that are in contact with it.

As a result, the metal spoon becomes hot as the heat energy from the boiling water is transferred to it. This is an example of conduction because heat is being transferred from one object (the boiling water) to another object (the metal spoon) through direct contact.