I think drinking to subside pain runs in some familes.

When it happens with one parent.. then now with the other, is it safe to say its a family thing or just an everybody thing?

Can someone give me some insight?

Do you mean drinking as in alcholic? Alcoholics will drink at any excuse: pain, boredom, depression, sleepy, cant go to sleep, you name it. Yes, it tends to run in famlies.


When it comes to drinking to cope with pain, it's important to remember that not everyone who drinks for pain relief is an alcoholic. However, if this pattern is observed in multiple members of a family, it could potentially indicate a familial tendency or genetic predisposition towards using alcohol as a coping mechanism.

To gain further insight into this topic, you can consult various sources such as scientific research, medical studies, or reputable organizations that specialize in substance abuse, like the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). On the NIAAA website, you can find valuable information about the role of family history in alcoholism, including the link between genetics and alcohol-related behaviors.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a broader understanding of the subject and make more informed conclusions about whether alcohol consumption as a coping mechanism for pain is a family-specific occurrence or a more widespread phenomenon.