all of the following are life functions of animals except?

a. obtaining energy from food
b. responding to changes in the environment
c. production of new individuals
d. synthesizing food from carbon dioxide and water

I think it's b.

oh, so it's d. cuz only plants do that..thanks

How do animals (including people) synthesize food from carbon dioxide and water??

I sure can't get food from just carbon dioxide and water.

But don't all animals, especially people, respond to changes in their environment?

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option and identify which one does not align with the life functions of animals.

a. Obtaining energy from food: Animals need to consume food as a source of energy to maintain their life processes. This is a crucial life function and is common among animals.

b. Responding to changes in the environment: Animals have the ability to sense and respond to stimuli in their surroundings. They exhibit behaviors such as movement, reaction to threats, or changes in environmental conditions. This is also a vital life function for animals.

c. Production of new individuals: Reproduction is a key life function for animals. It allows them to ensure the continuation of their species by producing offspring.

d. Synthesizing food from carbon dioxide and water: While plants are capable of synthesizing food through photosynthesis using carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, animals lack this ability. Instead, they rely on obtaining food from external sources.

Based on these explanations, it is evident that option d. "synthesizing food from carbon dioxide and water" is the correct answer. Animals cannot perform photosynthesis like plants do, so they are unable to create food from carbon dioxide and water.

Therefore, your initial inclination was correct. The correct option is d.