Can Somebody plz help me with me question below, I didn't really get Mr. James's explanation for further reading.

Precession means the axis of the Earth is changing, so North changes.

Certainly, I can help you understand the concept of precession. Precession refers to the slow, continuous change in the orientation of the Earth's axis of rotation. This means that the North Pole, which is currently pointing towards Polaris, the North Star, will gradually shift its direction over long periods of time.

To visualize precession, imagine the Earth as a spinning top. Just like a spinning top wobbles and its axis of rotation changes, the Earth also exhibits a similar wobble in its axis of rotation due to gravitational interactions with the Moon and the Sun. This wobbling motion causes the position of the North Pole to shift slowly, resulting in changes in the Earth's pole star over time.

To further explore the concept of precession, you can refer to various resources such as textbooks, articles, or online sources that delve into the topic of astronomy or geophysics. These resources will detail the forces involved in causing precession, its effects on the Earth's climate, and the historical observations and measurements that have been made to study this phenomenon.

By studying these resources, you'll gain a more comprehensive understanding of precession and its significance in Earth's astronomical and geological processes.