three charateristics of verbal communication for audience in a relaxed situation(family and friends)and audience in a tense situation (supervisors and instructors)

When communicating verbally with different audiences in relaxed and tense situations, there are several characteristics that differentiate these two scenarios. Let's explore three characteristics for each scenario:

Verbal Communication Characteristics in a Relaxed Situation (Family and Friends):
1. Informal Tone: In a relaxed setting, such as with family and friends, verbal communication tends to be more casual and informal. The use of slang, jokes, and personal anecdotes is common, fostering a comfortable and friendly environment.
2. Openness and Familiarity: Verbal communication in relaxed situations often involves open and uninhibited expression of thoughts and emotions. Family and friends usually have a deeper understanding of one another, which allows for more honest and personal conversations.
3. Shared Experiences and Common References: In this setting, verbal communication often includes references to shared experiences, inside jokes, or common interests. Communicating with family and friends typically involves a deeper connection and a mutual understanding, allowing for a shorthand or informal language.

Verbal Communication Characteristics in a Tense Situation (Supervisors and Instructors):
1. Formal Tone: In a professional or academic setting, such as communicating with supervisors or instructors, verbal communication tends to be more formal and respectful. The language is typically more structured, avoiding slang or informal expressions.
2. Authority and Hierarchy: Communication with supervisors and instructors often reflects a power dynamic, where there is a level of respect and deference towards those in higher positions. This can lead to a more structured conversation, with clear roles and expectations.
3. Clarity and Precision: In tense situations, verbal communication needs to be clearer and more precise to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts. Instructions or information given by supervisors and instructors must be delivered with accuracy and attention to detail to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

To learn more about verbal communication and its characteristics, you can refer to the provided link: