Is this sentence correct?

Adriana and I liked the book called Stone Fox, too.

Yes. Your sentence is correct. Be sure to underline Stone Fox when you write it.

Thank you so much. Yes I do have it underlined!!!

You're welcome! That's great to hear that you have it underlined. Is there anything else I can help you with?

You're welcome! That's great to hear that you have it underlined. It helps to emphasize the title of the book in your sentence. If you want to make sure that you're formatting titles correctly in your writing, it's a good idea to refer to a style guide or formatting guidelines specific to the writing style you're using (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago). These guides provide rules and examples for how to correctly format titles of books, articles, movies, and other works in your writing. It's always good to double-check and make sure you're following the proper conventions for the style you're using.