what are the duties and responsibilites of the associate justice... in this present time...Thank you

The duties and responsibilities of an Associate Justice, or Supreme Court Justice, vary over time and depend on the jurisdiction. As an AI, I cannot provide information in real time regarding the specific duties and responsibilities of the current Associate Justices. However, I can explain the general roles and responsibilities of an Associate Justice in the Supreme Court.

1. Interpretation of the Constitution: Associate Justices are responsible for interpreting the Constitution and ensuring that all laws and actions align with the principles outlined in it.

2. Hearing and deciding cases: Associate Justices review and decide on various legal cases that come before the Supreme Court. This includes studying the arguments presented by both sides, reviewing lower court decisions, and voting on the final verdict.

3. Writing opinions: Associate Justices are expected to provide well-reasoned opinions explaining their stance on the legal issues presented in each case. These opinions contribute to the development and clarification of the law.

4. Participating in oral arguments: Associate Justices ask questions and engage in discussions during oral arguments presented by lawyers involved in a case. This helps them gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.

5. Collaborating with other Justices: Associate Justices work collectively with other Justices, discussing cases, participating in conferences, and seeking consensus on decisions. They engage in rigorous debate and deliberation to reach a majority opinion.

6. Serving for a lifetime: In many jurisdictions, including the United States, Associate Justices serve a lifetime appointment. This ensures their independence from political influence and allows them to make unbiased decisions.

To find the specific duties and responsibilities of the current Associate Justices, I recommend visiting the official website of the Supreme Court of your country or consulting reliable sources such as legal publications or news updates.