Which is has a more powerful expression when used in poetry.... a simile or a metaphor.... Why?

I think metaphor because it states that an unlike object is something. Metaphor make people think more.

I think possibly--and this might not be correct-- a metaphor because instead of comparing an object, it's almost like the object is the thing you're comparing it to. For example, "her face was as red as a tomato" doesn't give quite as much of a vivid picture as "her face was a tomato," does it?

Determining which has a more powerful expression in poetry, a simile or a metaphor, ultimately depends on the writer's intention and the specific context and effect they wish to create. However, let's delve into the characteristics and potential strengths of each to help understand their different impacts:

1. Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, typically by using the words "like" or "as." For example, "Her eyes sparkled like diamonds." Similes offer a more explicit comparison, allowing the reader to make a clear connection between two objects or ideas. They can be effective in conveying vivid and imaginative imagery, making the reader visualize or form a direct association.

2. Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated things. Rather than using "like" or "as," metaphors state that one thing is another. For instance, "Life is a journey." Metaphors often carry a deeper and more abstract meaning, challenging the reader to uncover hidden connections between the two compared elements. They can evoke complex emotions, evoke vivid imagery, and create a more profound impact by inviting readers to explore multiple layers of interpretation.

When it comes to which form has a more powerful expression, it depends on the poet's intent and the desired effect. Similes tend to be more accessible, providing a clear and immediate comparison that resonates with readers. Their descriptive nature can create vivid imagery. On the other hand, metaphors have the potential to be more impactful, as they can strike at the heart of complex emotions or abstract concepts. They encourage readers to delve deeper into their meaning and connect the unrelated elements, enhancing the overall depth and resonance of the poem.

Ultimately, the power of expression in poetry lies in the creativity, skill, and intention of the poet. By skillfully crafting similes or metaphors and using them appropriately within the broader context of the poem, poets can achieve profound and memorable effects, irrespective of whether they choose to employ similes or metaphors.