Write the inverse and the contrapositive of the statement

If Jane is here, then she is well.

To find the inverse of a conditional statement, you need to negate both the hypothesis and the conclusion of the original statement.

The original statement is: "If Jane is here, then she is well."

Negating the hypothesis ("Jane is here") gives us: "If Jane is not here..."

Negating the conclusion ("she is well") gives us: "...then she is not well."

So, the inverse of the statement "If Jane is here, then she is well" is: "If Jane is not here, then she is not well."

Now, let's move on to the contrapositive.

The contrapositive of a conditional statement is formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion and then reversing them.

Using the original statement:
- Negating the hypothesis ("Jane is here") gives us: "If Jane is not here..."
- Negating the conclusion ("she is well") gives us: "...then she is not well."

Finally, we reverse the order to get: "If she is not well, then Jane is not here."

So, the contrapositive of the statement "If Jane is here, then she is well" is: "If she is not well, then Jane is not here."