Can someone how to find the sum and simpliest form of this equation?(x+4)/5+(2x+1)/5

It is not an equation because there is no = sign. It is a expression. You can simplify it a bit by realising it has a common denominator in both terms.
This would be 3x+5

To find the sum and simplest form of the given expression, which is (x+4)/5 + (2x+1)/5, you need to combine the terms and simplify it.

Step 1: Combine the terms by adding the numerators while keeping the common denominator 5. You get (x + 2x + 4 + 1) / 5.

Step 2: Simplify the numerator by combining like terms. The x terms can be added as x + 2x = 3x, and the constant terms can be added as 4 + 1 = 5.

Step 3: The simplified numerator is 3x + 5, and the denominator remains 5.

So the final expression is (3x + 5) / 5. This is the sum and simplest form of the given expression.