A: Hello. May I speak to Tom?

B: Speaking. Who's calling, please?

A: Hi, Tom. This is Sam.
How are you doing?

B: Just fine. How's your new school?

A: It's great.
By the way, what are you doing?

B: I'm playing computer games.

A: Will you come to Yunsan Middle


A: We are going to play scoocer at 3:00 p.m.

B: OK. I'll come right away.

A: See you there.

(Is the dialogue grammatical? Would you check each sentence? Thank you.)

Each sentence is good.


Yes, the dialogue is grammatically correct. I'll check each sentence for you:

A: Hello. May I speak to Tom? - This is a correct sentence. The speaker is asking to speak to Tom.

B: Speaking. Who's calling, please? - This is also correct. The speaker is confirming they are the person being asked for and is asking for the caller's name.

A: Hi, Tom. This is Sam. How are you doing? - Another correct sentence. The speaker introduces themselves as Sam and asks how Tom is doing.

B: Just fine. How's your new school? - This is grammatically correct. The speaker responds positively and asks about the other person's new school.

A: It's great. By the way, what are you doing? - This sentence is correct. The speaker expresses satisfaction with their new school and asks what the other person is currently doing.

B: I'm playing computer games. - This is a correct sentence. The speaker states that they are playing computer games.

A: Will you come to Yunsan Middle School? - This sentence is grammatically correct. The speaker is asking if the other person will come to Yunsan Middle School.

B: Why? - While this sentence is grammatically correct, it might be more appropriate to respond with "Why?" in a complete sentence. For example, "Why should I come to Yunsan Middle School?" or "Why are we going there?"

A: We are going to play soccer at 3:00 p.m. - This is a correct sentence. The speaker explains that they are going to play soccer at 3:00 p.m.

B: OK. I'll come right away. - This is grammatically correct. The speaker agrees to come immediately.

A: See you there. - This is a correct sentence. The speaker says goodbye and indicates they will see the other person at the specified location.

The dialogue is mostly grammatically correct. Here are the corrections for each sentence:

A: Hello. May I speak to Tom?
- No correction needed.

B: Speaking. Who's calling, please?
- No correction needed.

A: Hi, Tom. This is Sam.
How are you doing?
- No correction needed.

B: Just fine. How's your new school?
- No correction needed.

A: It's great.
By the way, what are you doing?
- No correction needed.

B: I'm playing computer games.
- No correction needed.

A: Will you come to Yunsan Middle School?
- No correction needed.

- Correction: "Why?" should start with a capital letter: "Why?"

A: We are going to play soccer at 3 p.m.
- Correction: "soccer" is misspelled as "scoocer."

B: Okay. I'll come right away.
- Correction: "Okay" should be spelled as "OK."

A: See you there.
- No correction needed.