i reallly really need help with this question: compare the colonial empires of Spain, France and England in terms of their settlements, economic structure and political control.

somebody gave me a link for this question before, but it didn't really help much.. my teacher said that you should have enough detail about each countries pattern of settlement i.e. New France was sparsely settled versus English colonies. In terms of economic system, you should have some detail on Spanish exploitation pf Ondain population and emphasis upon mining versus English mixed economy. Finally, the differences in political control should be handled with English mix of different colonial governments and salutary neglect.

please help me write atleast a few sentenses to answer this quesiton.thanks ALOT to anyone who can help me with that..:)

You should be able to find most of the information in these comprehensive articles.




these are the links you gave me before, but its hard to find just the info i need

Certainly, I can help you with that! Here's a description comparing the colonial empires of Spain, France, and England in terms of their settlements, economic structure, and political control.

In terms of settlements, Spain focused on establishing dense and urban settlements, particularly in regions such as Mexico and Peru. Spain aimed to extract vast amounts of wealth, primarily through the exploitation of indigenous populations and the emphasis on mining activities. In contrast, France established sparsely populated settlements in places like New France (now Canada), mainly for fur trading purposes. English colonies, on the other hand, had a higher population density, with more diversified settlements catering to agriculture, trade, and religious communities.

Regarding economic structure, Spain's colonial economy heavily relied on forced labor and the extraction of precious metals, especially in areas like the Spanish colonies in the Americas. This emphasis on mining resulted in a narrow economic focus. In comparison, England had a more balanced and mixed economy in its colonies, characterized by agriculture, trade, and varied industries.

In terms of political control, Spain maintained a highly centralized system of colonial governance, with power concentrated in the hands of colonial administrators appointed by the Spanish crown. In contrast, England employed a more diverse pattern of colonial governments, ranging from royal provinces to corporate colonies and proprietary colonies. Additionally, England practiced a policy known as "salutary neglect," which involved a lax approach to governing the colonies, allowing for greater autonomy and self-governance.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.