I need help!!!

3/2,1/2, 1/6,1/8,...
I need to determine if this sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither, then I need to find the ninth term

Is there a typo in your post?

It seems like you are dividing the previous term by 3 each time, but that would make the fourth term 1/18.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

how can i find adding,sudtracting,andmutiply fraction

To determine if a sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither, we need to examine the pattern in the terms of the sequence.

Arithmetic Sequence:
An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where the difference between any two consecutive terms is constant. To check if the given sequence is arithmetic, we need to see if the differences between terms are constant.

Let's calculate the differences between consecutive terms in the given sequence:

1/2 - 3/2 = -1
1/6 - 1/2 = -1/3
1/8 - 1/6 = -1/24

We can observe that the differences are not constant. The first difference is -1, the second difference is -1/3, and the third difference is -1/24. Since the differences are not the same, this sequence is not arithmetic.

Geometric Sequence:
A geometric sequence is a sequence where the ratio between any two consecutive terms is the same. To check if the given sequence is geometric, we need to calculate the ratios between consecutive terms.

Let's calculate the ratios between consecutive terms in the given sequence:

(1/2) / (3/2) = 1/3
(1/6) / (1/2) = 1/3
(1/8) / (1/6) = 3/4

We can observe that the ratios are not the same. The first ratio is 1/3, the second ratio is 1/3, and the third ratio is 3/4. Since the ratios are not the same, this sequence is not geometric either.

Finding the Ninth Term:
Since the given sequence is neither arithmetic nor geometric, we cannot find the ninth term using these methods. However, we can still calculate the ninth term directly by continuing the pattern in the sequence.

The given sequence seems to be decreasing and the denominators of the terms are increasing. Let's continue this pattern:

1/10, 1/12, ...

The ninth term of the sequence would be 1/12 since it follows the pattern we observed.

Therefore, the ninth term of the given sequence is 1/12.