describe an application for the use of ratios or portions. And describe how an application problem could be useful in daily life?

Lok at the post directly below yours. I think it will serve as an example.

An application for the use of ratios or portions can be found in cooking or baking recipes. Ratios and portions play a crucial role in determining the proper measurements of ingredients to achieve the desired outcome. For example, a recipe might call for a ratio of 2:1 flour to sugar, or a portion of 1 cup of milk for every 2 cups of flour.

In daily life, an application problem involving ratios or portions could be calculating the fuel efficiency of a vehicle. By measuring the distance traveled (in miles) and the amount of fuel consumed (in gallons), you can determine the ratio or portion of fuel used per mile. This information can help you compare the fuel efficiency of different vehicles or track the efficiency of your own vehicle over time.

To calculate the fuel efficiency, follow these steps:

1. Fill up the gas tank of your vehicle completely and note the mileage on the odometer.
2. Drive the vehicle as you normally would, making note of the mileage on the odometer when it's time to refuel.
3. At the gas station, fill up the tank again and record the number of gallons required.
4. Calculate the distance traveled by subtracting the initial mileage from the final mileage.
5. Calculate the fuel consumption by subtracting the ending amount of fuel from the starting amount.
6. Divide the distance traveled by the fuel consumption to get the fuel efficiency ratio or portion.

For example, if you drove 300 miles and consumed 10 gallons of fuel, the fuel efficiency would be 300 miles divided by 10 gallons, resulting in a ratio of 30 miles per gallon.

Understanding fuel efficiency can be helpful in managing expenses, choosing a more efficient vehicle, or making adjustments to driving habits to reduce fuel consumption.