Relationships, similar to people, encounter stages of development. Describe

how a person moves through each of the 5 stages of Levinger's ABC's of
relationships model. As you write your description, include answers to the
following questions:

1. What do you think people look for in the attraction stage?
2. How do people work on building a relationship?
3. What are some positive factors that foster the continuation of a relationship?
4. What steps can a couple take to avoid the deterioration phase?

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Levinger's ABC's of relationships model describes five stages of relationship development: attraction, building, continuation, deterioration, and ending. Let's look at how a person typically progresses through each stage:

1. Attraction Stage:
In the attraction stage, people are primarily focused on creating a connection and forming initial bonds. They are often attracted to certain qualities or characteristics in potential partners. During this stage, individuals look for physical attractiveness, shared interests, similar values, a sense of humor, and good communication skills, among other factors. People may also seek mutual compatibility and a sense of chemistry.

2. Building Stage:
Once a connection is established, individuals begin working on building a relationship. They invest time and effort to get to know each other on a deeper level, gradually developing trust and intimacy. People in this stage engage in activities like going on dates, having meaningful conversations, sharing personal experiences, and building emotional connection. Communication and mutual understanding are crucial at this stage to foster a stronger bond.

3. Continuation Stage:
Positive factors that contribute to the continuation of a relationship include commitment, shared goals, effective communication, trust, empathy, support, and emotional intimacy. Individuals in this stage are invested in maintaining and nurturing their relationship. They engage in activities together, show appreciation and affection, and continuously work on strengthening their connection. Building a foundation of friendship and engaging in shared interests can also help to sustain the relationship.

4. Deterioration Stage:
To avoid the deterioration phase, couples should focus on addressing issues early on by practicing open and honest communication. Recognizing and resolving conflicts, discussing needs and expectations, and seeking professional help if needed can be beneficial. Additionally, maintaining a sense of individual identity and personal growth while also prioritizing quality time together can help prevent the relationship from deteriorating. Regular check-ins and finding new ways to keep the relationship exciting and fulfilling can also contribute to its longevity.

Keep in mind that relationships are complex and can vary significantly from person to person. The progression through each stage may not always follow a linear path, and individuals may have unique experiences. It's essential to adapt and adjust based on the needs and dynamics of your specific relationship.