Find the vertex of the parabola y=3x^2+x+5

which method did they teach you?
Completing the square or using a formula?

y=3x^2+x+5= 3(x^2 + x/3 + ? ) + 5
= 3(x^2 + x/3 + 1/36 ) + 5 -1/36
= 3(x+ 1/6)^2 + 4 35/36

vertex at x=-1/6

The method used here is completing the square. To find the vertex of the parabola y=3x^2+x+5, follow these steps:

1. Start with the equation: y=3x^2+x+5.

2. Rewrite the equation to create a perfect square trinomial in the form (x + h)^2:

y = 3(x^2 + x/3) + 5.

3. Take half of the coefficient of x (1/3 in this case) and square it to get (1/6)^2 = 1/36.

4. Add the square term inside the parentheses:

y = 3(x^2 + x/3 + 1/36) + 5.

5. To maintain the equality of the equation, subtract the added term outside the parentheses:

y = 3(x^2 + x/3 + 1/36) + 5 - 1/36.

6. Simplify the equation:

y = 3(x+ 1/6)^2 + 4 35/36.

7. From the equation, we can see that the vertex of the parabola is at the point (-1/6, 4 35/36). Therefore, the vertex of the parabola is at x = -1/6.