1.life hitory of silkworm.

2.working model on any one topic.
3.pictures related to floods & drought.

This site tells about the life history of the silkworm.


You can check Google Images for pictures.

To find information about the life history of silkworms, you can start by searching on reputable websites such as educational institutions, universities, or professional organizations that focus on entomology or sericulture.

One useful resource is the University of Arizona's Insect Education website, which provides information on various insects, including silkworms. On their website, they have an article specifically about silkworms, detailing their life cycle and phases from egg to adult. Here is the link to the article: http://insected.arizona.edu/silkinfo.htm

For a working model on any topic, it would be helpful to know the specific topic you are interested in. Working models can cover a wide range of subjects, such as science experiments, engineering projects, or even social simulations. Once you have a specific topic in mind, you can search for it on the internet or refer to educational resources like books, journals, or forums about that particular subject.

To find pictures related to floods and droughts, you can use search engines like Google Images or specialized websites that provide images related to natural disasters or climate events. Simply enter the keywords "floods" or "droughts" into the search bar of a search engine, and a variety of images should appear. Remember to be considerate of copyrights when using images and, if necessary, cite the source or obtain proper permissions before using them.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to find pictures related to floods and drought:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Go to the Google homepage by typing www.google.com in the address bar and pressing Enter.
3. In the search bar, type "pictures of floods" and press Enter.
4. Google will display various images related to floods. You can browse through the images and click on the ones you are interested in to view them in full size.
5. To find pictures related to drought, go back to the search bar and type "pictures of drought" and press Enter.
6. Google will show you images related to drought. Again, click on any images you want to view in full size.

Please note that the search results may vary based on your location and search preferences.