I am trying to find out which one of these elements would not be reactive at all. The thing is, reactivity series only include metals, right? And some of these are not metals. Is there another way to determine their reactivity?



You are correct that the reactivity series typically focuses on metals. However, reactivity can also be determined for non-metals using other methods.

One way to determine the reactivity of non-metals is by considering their electronegativity values. Electronegativity measures the tendency of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons. Elements with higher electronegativity values tend to be more reactive.

Another method is to consider the position of the element in the periodic table. Generally, elements on the left-hand side of the periodic table, such as the alkali metals, are highly reactive, while elements on the right-hand side, including the noble gases, are generally unreactive.

To find out which one of the elements in your list would not be reactive at all, you can use these methods.

Please provide me with the list of elements you have, and I can help you determine the least reactive element among them.