Can someone please help? I have a list word I need to know the part of speech, and the punctuation:

Forid - which meansflowery ,showy. We were given that meaning but can find the word anywhere.

The reason you can't find it is because the word is FLORID.

Thanks so much. It was printed wrong on our sheet. Thanks

What factors might contribute to the inclusion of proof surrogates in news stories? What about stereotypes?

Of course, I'd be happy to help you! To determine the part of speech and punctuation of a word, we can follow a few steps.

1. Search for the word: Start by conducting a search using an online dictionary or search engine. In this case, let's search for the word "Forid."

2. Check reputable dictionary sources: Look for reputable sources, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford Dictionaries, to get accurate definitions and part of speech information.

Upon conducting a search, I couldn't find a direct match for the word "Forid." It's possible that it may be a less common or regional word. However, if you have received a specific meaning for this word ("flowery, showy"), that information might have come from a reliable source.

Regarding punctuation, it's important to note that punctuation is not typically associated with words themselves. Punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points, are used to enhance the written expression of ideas and are not intrinsic to the words themselves.

Based on the information you have provided, it seems that "Forid" may be a word with the meaning "flowery, showy," but it may not be found in standard dictionaries.