
1. Use only four 4's to write a numerical expression that equals the following number. Use parenthesis as needed. EXAMPLE: (4+4)/(4+4)=1

**NUMBER: 10

Please help!!
Thank you!!

(44-4)/4 = 10

Thank You!!

1 more thing.....are you aloud to use 44 in stead of four (or less) 4's?

There should be no problem using the number 44, according to the rules of that question.

Sure! To write the number 10 using only four 4's, you can create the following numerical expression:

(4 + 4) - (4 / 4) = 10

Let me explain how I arrived at this solution:

1. Start by using two 4's to create the number 8: 4 + 4 = 8.
2. Then, divide one of the 4's by itself to obtain 1: 4 / 4 = 1.
3. Finally, subtract the result from step 2 from the sum in step 1: 8 - 1 = 10.

So, the expression (4 + 4) - (4 / 4) equals 10.