Is this sentence correct? This sentence makes no sense at all.

I ate a grape and went to the mall.

or would it be

I ate a grape, and went to the mall.

Or is it both?

It should be I ate a grape then went to the mall.

Your first sentence is correct. There should be no comma because it's not a compound sentence.

Kara's sentence is incorrect. She has used an adverb in place of a conjunction.

Both versions of the sentence are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. Let me explain.

The first version, "I ate a grape and went to the mall," implies a simple series of actions that occurred one after the other. In this case, eating a grape and going to the mall are described as separate actions, both of which happened.

The second version, "I ate a grape, and went to the mall," uses a comma before the conjunction "and." This represents a common grammatical rule called the Oxford comma or serial comma. The Oxford comma is often used to clarify the separation between items in a list. In this case, it distinguishes that eating a grape and going to the mall are distinct actions, rather than the grape and mall being connected in some way.

So, both versions are technically correct, but the use of the Oxford comma in the second version can help avoid any potential confusion or ambiguity.