In recent decades, the Federal Government has borrowed money mostly to:

a - finance special expensive projects.
b - provide funds for crisis situations such as wars and national disasters.
c - pay the president's salary
d - operate the government and pay the previous year's debt.

Would it be A?

No. Debt service on bonds, entitlements (like Social Security), and the operation of all departments (including Defense)consumes most of the budget, even when there is no war.

So it would be D then?

Yes, D. is correct.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand how the Federal Government borrows money. One way to do this is by investigating the government's sources of borrowing and the purposes for which the borrowed money is used.

The Federal Government raises funds through borrowing by issuing Treasury bonds, bills, and notes, collectively known as Treasury securities. These securities are sold to individuals, organizations, and other countries, essentially making them creditors of the government.

Now let's consider the options provided:

a - Financing special expensive projects: This option suggests that the government borrows money to fund special projects. While the government does allocate funds for various projects, borrowing is not primarily used for this purpose.

b - Providing funds for crisis situations such as wars and natural disasters: This option suggests that borrowing is used to handle crises. Wars and natural disasters do require significant financial resources, and the government may borrow money in such situations.

c - Paying the president's salary: This option is specific to the president's salary. However, government borrowing is not primarily used for this purpose. The president's salary is typically funded through the federal budget.

d - Operating the government and paying the previous year's debt: This option suggests that government borrowing is mainly used for running the government operations and servicing existing debt. This includes expenses such as day-to-day operations of agencies, providing public services, and paying off previous debts.

Considering the information discussed, the most accurate answer to the question would be d - operating the government and paying the previous year's debt. Government borrowing is primarily used to finance ongoing operations and repay existing debt obligations.

Therefore, the correct answer is d - operate the government and pay the previous year's debt.