Answer the following questions about demonstrative adjectives. Answer whether the noun modified is singular or plural. Then fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjective in Spanish.

1. They prefer that restaurant.
Prefieren -------restaurante.
I think the noun is prural but i don't know which word to fill into the blank.
2. Those houses over there are very expensive.
------casas son muy caras.
This one is very confusing for me.
3. I bought these shoes in Spain.
Compre----zapatos en Espana.
I think the noun is plural and I put the word"these" into the blank bu I'm not sure.
4. Do you want this magazine?
I think it is singular but I don't know what word goes in the blank.
5. Those rooms are small.
----cuartos son pequenos.
I'm toally confused about this one too.

Please Help!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, a plural noun usually ends in S. Example: restaurantes. Next, you should make a list of the demonstrative adjectives.
This = este, esta,

estos, estas (singular and plural, masculine and feminine respectively)

That = ese, esa, esos, esas (singular and plural, masculine and feminine respectively)
Those = aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas (singular and plural, masculine and feminine respectively)

Now let's analyze each sentence and find the correct demonstrative adjective to fill in the blanks:

1. They prefer that restaurant.
Prefieren aquel restaurante. (singular)

2. Those houses over there are very expensive.
Aquellas casas son muy caras. (plural)

3. I bought these shoes in Spain.
Compré estos zapatos en España. (plural)

4. Do you want this magazine?
¿Quieres esta revista? (singular)

5. Those rooms are small.
Aquellos cuartos son pequeños. (plural)

Make sure to match the gender and number of the noun with the correct demonstrative adjective.