____ may occur when an essential factor is in short supply.


Please anwser ASAP thanks.

When gasoline is in short supply, what is the result (besides high prices!)?

When personal computers were relatively new, and there were far fewer of them than people who wanted to buy them, what was the result (besides high prices)?

What do you think??


The term that describes a situation when an essential factor is in short supply is competition.

To answer your first question, when gasoline is in short supply, the result is increased competition among consumers and businesses for the limited available gasoline. Prices are likely to increase due to the high demand and low supply.

Regarding your second question, when personal computers were relatively new and there were fewer of them compared to the number of people wanting to buy them, the result was increased competition among consumers to purchase a limited supply of computers. This competition led to higher prices, as the demand exceeded the available quantity.

In both scenarios, the key factor at play is competition arising from a shortage of essential resources.