i need to do a book summary about the

last apprentice.
but i don't know what to write.i am like lost right now while trying to figure out what to write.i need a short summary. its due tommorow. and i need it done by 10 tonight.i forgot the important things that happen in the middle and end.this book was confusing for me and i need HELP.
please write back as soon as possible.
thank you


If you don't remember much of the book, there's nothing we can do to help you.

Reread the book, and if you have specific questions about it, we'll try to help you.

I understand that you're feeling overwhelmed and need help with your book summary. Don't worry, I'm here to assist you through the process. To write an effective book summary, follow these steps:

1. Research the book: Start by taking a few minutes to gather some information about the book titled "The Last Apprentice." Read the book's synopsis or plot summary online to refresh your memory on the major events and characters.

2. Identify key themes: Think about the main ideas or themes presented in the book. These could be things like coming of age, the battle between good and evil, or the protagonist's journey. Make a list of these themes as they will guide your summary.

3. Outline the plot: Even if you forgot some of the details, try to recall the major events, particularly the beginning, middle, and end. Write down the key points in chronological order to create a rough outline of the plot.

4. Summarize the beginning: Start by introducing the protagonist, providing some context about the setting, and briefly describing the main conflict or challenge they face. Keep it concise but engaging to grab the reader's attention.

5. Summarize the middle: In this section, elaborate on the protagonist's journey, obstacles faced, and any significant turning points or character development. Mention some pivotal events but avoid getting into too much detail.

6. Summarize the end: Finally, wrap up the summary by explaining how the protagonist confronts the main conflict, the resolution of the story, and any final thoughts or lessons learned.

7. Edit and revise: After completing the first draft of your summary, review it for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Remove any unnecessary information and check for grammatical errors.

Remember, the key to a successful summary is to be concise while capturing the essence of the book. I suggest writing a first draft using the steps above and then sharing it with me so I can help you refine it further.