grandma (me) trying to help 2nd grader

with pyramids, triangles, rectangular prisms and cylinders.
how many cylindeers are needed to make 5 solid figures?

I don't understand your question. what five solid figures?

i do not understand.


To find out how many cylinders are needed to make five solid figures, we need to know the specific combination or arrangement of shapes. However, I can explain what each of these shapes are and how they can be used to create solid figures.

1. Pyramids: A pyramid is a three-dimensional figure with a polygonal base and triangular sides that meet at a common vertex called the apex. To construct a pyramid, you need a polygonal base (such as a triangle, square, pentagon, etc.) and three or more triangular faces.

2. Triangles: A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. Triangles can be used as faces for pyramids or as bases for other solid figures.

3. Rectangular Prisms: A rectangular prism, also known as a cuboid, is a three-dimensional figure with six rectangular faces. Each face of a rectangular prism is a rectangle, and opposite faces are congruent.

4. Cylinders: A cylinder is a three-dimensional figure with two circular bases and a curved surface connecting these bases. The height of a cylinder is the perpendicular distance between the bases.

Now, to determine the number of cylinders needed to make five solid figures, we need more information about the specific arrangement or combination of these shapes.