name at lease 5 important event that took place in the history of texas.(NOTE: historical events are important things that happened in the not put annual events here.)

a major confederate blunder which led to union victory at gettysburg was

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Anyway this site should help you:

Here are five important events in the history of Texas:

1. The Battle of the Alamo (1836): This pivotal event in the Texas Revolution resulted in the Mexican forces defeating the Texian defenders. Although a loss for the Texians, the battle became a symbol of resistance and motivated others to join the cause.

2. Texas Declaration of Independence (1836): Following the Battle of the Alamo, delegates met at the Convention of 1836 to draft the Texas Declaration of Independence, formally severing ties with Mexico and establishing the Republic of Texas.

3. Annexation of Texas by the United States (1845): After nearly a decade as an independent republic, Texas was officially annexed by the United States, leading to its admission as the 28th state in the Union.

4. The Battle of San Jacinto (1836): This battle marked the decisive victory of the Texian army over the Mexican forces, leading to the capture of General Santa Anna and securing Texas' independence.

5. Spindletop Oil Discovery (1901): The discovery of oil at Spindletop near Beaumont marked the beginning of the modern petroleum industry in Texas. This event had a significant impact on the state's economy, leading to rapid growth and development.

Sure! Here are five important events that took place in the history of Texas:

1. The Battle of the Alamo (1836): This event played a pivotal role in the Texas Revolution as Texan defenders fought against Mexican forces to defend the Alamo mission in San Antonio.

To learn more about this event, you can visit the following link:

2. The Texas Declaration of Independence (1836): This significant event occurred when representatives from Texas declared independence from Mexico, establishing the Republic of Texas.

To learn more about this event, you can visit the following link:

3. The Civil War and Texas (1861-1865): While Texas seceded from the Union and joined the Confederate States of America, it played a significant role in the war, including the Battle of Galveston and the Battle of Sabine Pass.

To learn more about this event, you can visit the following link:

4. The Spindletop Oil Discovery (1901): This discovery marked the beginning of the Texas oil boom, transforming the state's economy and making Texas a major player in the global petroleum industry.

To learn more about this event, you can visit the following link:

5. The Civil Rights Movement in Texas (1950s-1960s): Texas was a significant battleground during the civil rights movement, including the desegregation of schools, the voting rights struggle, and the activism led by influential figures such as Martin Luther King Jr.

To learn more about this event, you can visit the following link:

Please note that referencing the provided links will provide more detailed information about each event.