Can you tell me where does suspense occur and why ? In The "cremation of sam McGee", and "the highwayman"

please help

For me, the suspense in "Cremation" occurs when the narrator opens the door of the "crematorium."

When do you think the suspense occurs in "The Highwayman?"

When Bess is tied up and shoots herself

Certainly! Suspense is an important element in storytelling that keeps readers or viewers engaged and on the edge of their seats. It usually arises when there is a sense of anticipation or uncertainty about what will happen next.

In "The Cremation of Sam McGee," a poem by Robert W. Service, suspense occurs in several key moments. One example is when the protagonist, Sam McGee, asks the narrator to cremate his body in the frozen Arctic. The uncertainty of whether the narrator will actually go through with the request creates suspense, as readers wonder how this unusual and challenging task will be accomplished.

Another moment of suspense in this poem is when the narrator finally finds a boat and proceeds to cremate Sam McGee's body. The poem builds up tension with lines such as "The flames just soared up higher and higher," leaving readers wondering how the narrator will handle the intense heat and whether he will be successful in fulfilling Sam McGee's wish.

In "The Highwayman," a narrative poem by Alfred Noyes, suspense is created through a different set of elements. The poem tells the story of a highwayman who is in love with the innkeeper's daughter, Bess, and the dangers they face from Bess's jealous and treacherous ex-lover, Tim the ostler.

Suspense is established in moments such as when the highwayman is riding towards the inn, and readers are left wondering if he will make it in time to save Bess from Tim's planned betrayal. The poem's vivid descriptions and detailed imagery help intensify the sense of anticipation.

Furthermore, suspense reaches its peak when the redcoats, who have been lying in wait for the highwayman, spring into action. The readers are left wondering whether the highwayman will evade capture or if his love for Bess will save him from the soldiers' bullets.

To truly experience the suspense in these poems, I recommend reading them in their entirety. Pay attention to the authors' use of language, imagery, and pacing, as these are crucial factors in creating suspense in literature.