For the formula Y = AX + B

to make X the subject wod it be
X = AY – B ??


subtract b from both sides, then divide both sides by a.

i think it should be

y+b/a = x

the slash is basically a fraction

the reason i got this was because i first moved the b to the other side, which would make the equatin y-b=ax . now i need to isolate the x. i can do that by dividing a by x and a by y-b.

because there are no exact numbers given, the answer would be y-b/a = x


To make X the subject in the formula Y = AX + B, you need to isolate the term containing X on one side of the equation.

Starting with the equation Y = AX + B, you can follow these steps:

1. Subtract B from both sides of the equation:
Y - B = AX

2. Divide both sides of the equation by A:
(Y - B) / A = X

Therefore, X = (Y - B) / A is the correct expression to make X the subject of the formula Y = AX + B.

To make "X" the subject in the formula "Y = AX + B," you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the equation: Y = AX + B
2. Subtract "B" from both sides of the equation: Y - B = AX
3. Rearrange the terms by switching "AX" to the left side and "Y - B" to the right side: AX = Y - B
4. In order to isolate "X," divide both sides of the equation by "A": (AX) / A = (Y - B) / A
5. Simplify the left side by canceling out "A" with itself: X = (Y - B) / A

Therefore, the correct formula to express "X" as the subject is X = (Y - B) / A.