Who were some of the famous explorers of 1450-1763???

Please see the answer to your previous post.

1 is Christopher Columbus

To find out about famous explorers of the period between 1450 and 1763, you can follow these steps:

1. Research online: Start by searching for "famous explorers 1450-1763" or "explorers during the Age of Exploration" on search engines like Google. This will lead you to various websites, articles, and resources that provide lists of explorers from that time period.

2. Check historical accounts: Consult books, journals, or historical accounts that cover the Age of Exploration. These sources often provide in-depth information about famous explorers, their voyages, and their contributions.

3. Explore museum websites: Visit the websites of renowned museums, such as the British Museum, the Smithsonian, or the National Maritime Museum, which often have dedicated sections or exhibits on explorers from this era. These museum websites can be educational and provide a wealth of information.

4. Consider key events and discoveries: Think about significant events and discoveries during this period and research the explorers associated with them. Examples include Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, James Cook, and Henry Hudson.

5. Analyze historical maps: Study historical maps and atlases from the time period. These maps may highlight the routes and expeditions of famous explorers, helping you identify their names.

By combining these methods, you should be able to compile a list of notable explorers from 1450 to 1763. Remember, exploring multiple sources will provide a comprehensive understanding of the various explorers and their achievements during this significant period in history.