who were some of the famous explorers of the years 1450-1763?

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During the years 1450-1763, there were several famous explorers who embarked on extraordinary expeditions. To gather information about them, you can follow these steps:

1. Use a search engine: Open a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

2. Enter relevant keywords: Type in keywords such as "famous explorers 1450-1763" or "explorers during the Age of Discovery."

3. Explore search results: Look through the search results and visit reputable websites like National Geographic, Britannica, or History.com.

Some of the famous explorers during the period of 1450-1763 include:

1. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506): Columbus is renowned for his voyages across the Atlantic, which led to the eventual European exploration and colonization of the Americas.

2. Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521): Magellan led the first successful circumnavigation of the globe, proving that the Earth is round.

3. Vasco da Gama (1460-1524): Da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who established a maritime trade route to India, opening the way for European trade with Asia.

4. Hernán Cortés (1485-1547): Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico on behalf of Spain.

5. Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596): Drake was an English privateer and explorer who circumnavigated the globe, carried out raids against Spanish forces, and played a significant role in the defense against the Spanish Armada.

6. James Cook (1728-1779): Cook, a British explorer, led multiple expeditions, mapping the Pacific Ocean and making significant contributions to scientific exploration.

By following these steps, you can find comprehensive information about these explorers and others who made significant contributions during the years 1450-1763.