for english i have to do a project and it can be on anything i want. i have to have a persuasive essay and a how to and the history on the subject. like my friend is doing ice cream and we are making it in class. my other friend is doing texting and having texting races in class. plz help i cant think of a subject to do!

For the persuasive essay, do it on anything you feel opinionated about. Search wikipedia for a list of controversial topics if that helps. A few months ago, my class gave how to speeches. Many kids did how to cook certain foods or how to play certain sports. If you want to be really creative about it, you could do your speech about how to use proper dining etiquette (what I gave my speech about) or what my sister did, how to make yourself look intelligent. Another creative person did how to enjoy apple pie. Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm.

This might be fun! Dress up as a "caveperson' to give the history, then make some lollipops in class. It would only take a plug in burner and a pan for the syrup. You could find or make molds. Have different flavorings and colors.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are some sites on how to write a persuasive essay:


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For your project in English, you have a lot of freedom to choose any subject you want. You need to create a persuasive essay, a how-to guide, and provide the history of the subject. It's great that your friends are doing projects on ice cream and texting.

To come up with a subject for your project, start by thinking about things you are passionate about or interested in. It can be anything, from a hobby, a social issue, a sport, a technology, a cultural practice, or a historical event. Consider what you have knowledge about or what you would like to learn more about.

For the persuasive essay, choose a topic that you have strong opinions about. It could be about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle, the importance of recycling, the effects of social media on relationships, or the significance of art education in schools. You can search for lists of controversial topics online, like on Wikipedia, to get some ideas.

For the how-to guide, you can pick something practical or creative. It could be a step-by-step guide on cooking a specific dish, playing a musical instrument, drawing a particular style of art, or even how to solve a Rubik's cube. You can also think outside the box and choose something unconventional, like how to practice mindfulness or how to improve your memory.

To provide the history of your subject, you can research online, visit the library, or consult reliable sources like textbooks or academic articles. Look for information about the origins, development, and significant milestones of your chosen subject. For example, if you choose to write about the history of ice cream, you can explore its early roots in ancient China and Persia, its introduction to Europe, and its evolution into the frozen treat we know today.

While doing research for your project, it's important to use credible sources. Websites like Wikipedia can be a helpful starting point, but try to find additional sources to verify the information. For your persuasive essay, you can also use websites that provide tips and guides for writing persuasive essays, such as Study Guides, EssayInfo, and the University of Victoria's Writing Guide.

Remember to brainstorm and think creatively. Your project can be both informative and entertaining. If you're looking for inspiration for your how-to guide, try imagining it in a fun and interactive way, like dressing up as a character or doing a demonstration in class.

Good luck with your project, and I hope you find a subject that you enjoy researching and presenting!

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you choose a subject for your project:

1. Brainstorm ideas: Start by brainstorming different subjects that interest you or that you feel passionate about. Think about your hobbies, interests, or current events that you find intriguing.

2. Research potential topics: Once you have a list of potential subjects, research each one to gather information about their history, importance, and any controversies surrounding them. Use reliable sources such as books, reputable websites, and academic journals to gather information.

3. Evaluate your options: Based on your research, evaluate the potential topics and consider which ones would be the most interesting and suitable for your project. Think about the availability of resources, the potential for creating a persuasive essay and how-to guide, and the feasibility of creating hands-on activities related to the topic.

4. Consider your audience: Think about who your audience will be for this project. Consider their interests and preferences to ensure that you choose a topic that will engage them and meet the project requirements.

5. Brainstorm angles: Once you have narrowed down your list of potential topics, brainstorm different angles or aspects of each topic that you could explore in your persuasive essay and how-to guide. This will help you determine which topic provides the most opportunities for in-depth research and engaging content.

6. Make a decision: Based on the above considerations, choose a subject that you feel most excited about and that fulfills the project requirements. Ensure that your chosen topic can provide enough material for the history, persuasive essay, and how-to sections of your project.

Remember to consult your teacher or project guidelines for specific requirements and criteria for your project.