Ship is to trip as shout is to ____

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This analogy is looking for sounds.

The first two letters are different, but the last sound is the same.

What word starts with tr- and rhymes with shout?

The word that completes the analogy "Ship is to trip as shout is to ____" is "slip." In the analogy, "ship" and "shout" are both verbs, and "trip" and "slip" are both related actions or consequences of the respective verbs. Just as you can take a trip after boarding a ship, you can also slip after shouting loudly.

To find the word that completes the analogy "Ship is to trip as shout is to ____," we need to identify the relationship between the pairs of words.

In the first pair, "ship" and "trip," the relationship is that a "ship" is a means of transportation for a "trip." The word "ship" is the object and "trip" is the action or purpose.

Similarly, in the second pair, "shout" and a missing word, we need to find a relationship where "shout" is the action or purpose, and the missing word is the object associated with that action or purpose.

One possible answer is "yell" because a "shout" is a louder and more intense form of speaking, and "yell" is also a louder and more intense form of speaking. Another possible answer is "scream" because a "shout" can be synonymous with a "scream," which is a loud, piercing vocalization.

Therefore, the missing word that completes the analogy "Ship is to trip as shout is to ____" could be "yell" or "scream."