If 4 less than 3 times a certain number is 2 more than the number ,what is the number?

e.3 Do I solve it like this:
3n-4=n+2?? If so, how do I solve this problem?

You have the equation right.

The answer is 3 (choice E).

If 3n-4=n+2... you need to breakdown the equation. Add 4 to both sides. So that leaves you with 3n=n+6. Subtract 1n from both sides. So that leaves you with 2n=6. Divide both sides by 2... therefore n=3.

To solve the equation 3n - 4 = n + 2, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by simplifying both sides of the equation. Add 4 to both sides to isolate the n term on the left side:
3n - 4 + 4 = n + 2 + 4
3n = n + 6

2. To eliminate the n term on the right side, subtract n from both sides:
3n - n = n - n + 6
2n = 6

3. Finally, isolate the n term by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:
(2n)/2 = 6/2
n = 3

So, the answer is n = 3. Therefore, the correct option is e.3.